Further protecting local biodiversity by becoming an LPO Refuge
Beauval has been a ‘Refuge LPO’ (League for the Protection of Birds Refuge) since 2011. This distinction is recognition of the ZooParc de Beauval’s and Beauval Nature’s many years of dedicated work to promote local biodiversity.

It didn’t all start on 17 June 2021 with the signing of an agreement with the LPO at the ‘Maison Beauval Nature’ at the ZooParc de Beauval… But it did continue from there!
This event represented an act of formalisation, recognition, and commitment, bringing together the management of the ZooParc de Beauval and the presidency and management of the LPO at both a national and local level. “We’re all working towards the same goal: to protect life! That’s why we’re very happy and proud that Beauval is becoming an LPO Refuge today”, said Allain Bougrain-Dubourg, President of LPO France.
The preservation and conservation of endangered local species
The signing of this agreement marked the ZooParc de Beauval’s and Beauval Nature’s commitment to this initiative for the preservation and conservation of threatened local species. This accreditation formalises the work carried out by Beauval to survey and protect the local fauna in and around the park. Bats, invertebrates, amphibians, birds, and small mammals are all the subjects of in-depth studies, with the goal of setting up facilities and preserving or even strengthening populations. This has already resulted in the installation of bat boxes, bird boxes, and hedgehog shelters in the ZooParc, as well efforts to limit light pollution.
Beauval Nature supports 2 conservation programmes coordinated by the LPO
At this event, Beauval Nature pledged its support for 2 conservation programmes led by the LPO: one for the protection of the European mink and the other for the protection of birds of prey.

Protecting the European mink
The main objectives of the European mink conservation programme are to improve knowledge about the species using radio-tracking, and to restore, develop, and safeguard the species’ living environment. The European mink is one of the most endangered species in Europe and France. It is classified as 'critically endangered’ on both the national and global red lists of the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature).
Protecting birds of prey
As for the bird of prey conservation programme, its missions include monitoring populations, ex situ reproduction, reintroduction, as well as raising public awareness. Beauval Nature has supported the 'Mission Rapaces’ programme developed by the LPO for many years now. This programme aims to protect around twenty emblematic species of raptors: eagles, falcons, vultures, owls, etc. The conservation of these species, which are primarily threatened by human activities, involves the implementation of actions on a national and/or European scale: population monitoring, ex situ reproduction, reintroductions, as well as raising public awareness.

How does an LPO Refuge work?
Founded in 1912, the Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux (LPO) is a French association that works to protect biodiversity and raise public awareness all over France.
What is an LPO Refuge? “It is an area in which wild fauna and flora are protected following the principles of the Refuge Charter and the 15 biodiversity-friendly measures that arise from this Charter”, as the association explains.
An LPO Refuge at the National Assembly, so why not at your own home?
Did you know that on 14 November 2023, Yaël Braun-Pivet, President of the National Assembly, inaugurated the institution’s first garden to be awarded 'Refuge LPO’ status, in the presence of Allain Bougrain-Dubourg, President of the LPO? A private individual with a garden or balcony, a business, a local authority, or an institution (school, hospital, nursing home, etc.) can create their own LPO Refuge. There is an LPO Refuge Charter which morally binds the owner or manager of the land to protect wildlife on it. So, why not you too?