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Cookie management policy

Cookie management policy

This “Cookie management policy” aims to explain how Beauval Nature and its partners deposit and/or use the data from cookies and other trackers. It also enables you to monitor their use. Beauval Nature is committed to the proper processing of your data and, as such, takes all necessary precautions to ensure your data is processed in a secure manner and in compliance with regulations in force.

When using the Website, information relating to browsing on your device (computer, smart TV, tablet, smartphone, etc.) may be saved in “Cookie” files deposited on your device by Beauval Nature, acting in its capacity as data controller and based on Avenue du Blanc, 41110 SAINT-AIGNAN.

This policy provides you with more information on the origin and use of such browsing information and your rights as regards such information, and notably your right to object.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small computer file, a tracker, deposited and read for example when visiting a website, reading an email, installing or using a software or mobile app, regardless of the type of device used (computer, smart TV, smartphone, e-reader, video game console connected to the Internet, etc.). These cookies are stored on your device and are able to store information. The data stored through cookies can notably relate to the number of pages visited, the language chosen, the city in which the IP address connecting to the website is located, the frequency and recurrence of visits, the length of the visit, the browser, operator or type of device used to visit.

Only the issuer of a cookie can read or change the information it contains.

In the context of this “Cookie management policy”:

  • the term “cookie” means all trackers deposited or read when visiting or using the Website. This includes http cookies, “flash” cookies, “web beacons” and “web bugs”, scripts or the result of fingerprinting calculations;
  • this “Cookie management policy” applies whether the cookies enable Beauval Nature and/or its partners to process personal data or not.

What main regulations govern the depositing and use of cookies?

Several European and national text govern the use and depositing of cookies. Although not exhaustive, this list aims to inform you of the main regulations that are applicable and, where necessary, to enable you to access and read these regulatory texts.

What purpose do the cookies used and deposited on the Website serve?

The cookies deposited and used via the Website serve several purposes. To enable you to understand their usefulness and verify their usage, we have grouped cookies according to the purposes described below:

Functionality cookies

These cookies aim to enable or facilitate communication by electronic means (detection of connection errors, identification of connection points, Website security, etc.) or to provide online communication services at your express request (screen display preferences, memorisation of information provided in forms, access to your user account, etc.).

In accordance with regulations in force, these functionality cookies are used and/or deposited without requiring your prior consent. However, you may block and/or erase them via your browser settings. As a result, your user experience and browsing safety may be deteriorated. In addition, some Website pages or features may be inaccessible.

Website customisation cookies:

The aim of these cookies is to identify content that may interest you in light of your activity on the Website with a view to offering you a personalised editorial experience based on your centres of interest.
These cookies may process data relating to your personal preferences, your interest in specific content and video programmes, your Website usage patterns, etc. We may use automated processing tools to process your personal preferences and assess some personal aspects relating to you, and particularly to analyse or predict your personal preferences. The data processed in this context may be collected from various sources and be cross-matched: data from your user profile, data relating to your use of the Website, etc. This processing may result in the suggestion of personalised video content matching your personal preferences. The use of such tools is defined as profiling by applicable regulations.

Disabling these cookies will prevent Beauval Nature from offering a personalised experience and and personalised content through cookies.

The use and depositing of these cookies are conditional upon the collection of your consent.

Advertising cookies

The aim of these cookies is to improve the relevance of advertisements and advertising content displayed on the Website and on third party media. When we send you promotional messages or disseminate such messages, our aim is to send you the most relevant advertising and offers, tailored to your needs or that are actually likely to interest you.

These cookies may process data relating to your personal preferences, your interest in products and/or services, your consumption patterns, etc. We may use automated processing tools to process your personal preferences and assess some personal aspects relating to you, and particularly to analyse or predict your requirements and personal preferences. The data processed in this context may be collected from various sources and be cross-matched: data from our customer records, browsing data, data from third parties, data on use of the Website, etc. This processing may result in the suggestion of personalised advertisements matching your personal preferences, such as personalised email offers, targeted advertising, etc. For example, this processing may lead us to display an advert for products that you may prefer. The use of such tools is defined as profiling by applicable regulations.

Disabling these cookies has no impact on the volume of advertising you will receive.

The use and depositing of these cookies are conditional upon the collection of your consent.

Audience-measurement cookies

The aim of these cookies is to analyse the frequency of visits and use of the Website, to better understand how it is used and to improve your browsing and user experience.

These cookies may process data relating to the pages visited, content viewed, duration of page visits, the browser used to visit such pages, etc.

The use and depositing of these cookies are conditional upon the collection of your consent.

Which Beauval Nature partners can use the information and data from cookies?

Third parties are authorised by Beauval Nature to deposit and/or use cookies through the intermediary of the Website. Cookies from these third parties have various functions:

  • First, they enable Beauval Nature to offer you the Website’s services, by using the technology developed by third party entities;
  • Second, in some cases, they may enable these third parties to collect information and data on your browsing on the Website, restricted to the purposes described above.

When said third parties process personal data from the data collected through the Website, they act on their own behalf in their capacity as data controller and/or as joint data controller alongside Beauval Nature.

When you consent to the depositing of cookies on your device, your consent will be given for all Beauval Nature website domains and subdomains.

The exhaustive list of third parties authorised to process the data and information collected from cookies deposited and/or used through the Website is available under the “Cookie owner” column in the above tables, listing all cookies deposited and/or used on the Website.

For how long is the data collected through cookies processed?

To ensure proper understanding, one must distinguish between:

  • Cookie lifespan; and
  • The processing period for data and information collected using cookies.

A cookie’s lifespan is the period during which a cookie will produce its effects as from the time it is deposited on your device. This period is not automatically extended upon every new Website visit. This period is defined for each of the cookies used and/or deposited on the Website. You may find this period under the “Consent validity period” column in the above tables, listing all cookies deposited and/or used on the Website.

The processing period for data and information collected using cookies is the period during which Beauval Nature and/or the partners owning the cookies may exploit the data and information collected using cookies in their information systems. Once the lifespan of a cookie has expired, the data and information collected through its intermediary can still be used. The data and information collected through cookies on the Website are kept for a maximum period of six (6) months.

How can I manage the depositing and use of cookies?

Upon your first visit to the Website using a device, you are asked to consent or object to the depositing and/or use of certain cookies, through the display of a dedicated informational banner. By explicitly accepting, you consent to the use of cookies on your device. If you refuse or do not respond, any cookies subject to consent will not be deposited and/or used on your device.

We inform you for, pursuant to regulations, cookies with the purpose of enabling or facilitating communication, or required to provide a service that you have requested, your consent is not required.

In addition to this choice made upon first visiting the Website with a device, you may change these choices at any time by using the procedures described below.

Changing your choices using our cookie configuration module

In our cookie management module, you may consent or object to the depositing and/or use of cookies according to their purpose. You can access this module by clicking on the button below:

Cookie management 

Configure your internet browser

Browsers offer many settings allowing users to express choices in terms of cookies. Regardless of their purpose, you may authorise, block or erase cookies deposited on your device by configuring your browser’s settings. For the most common browsers, you will find instructions via the following links:

Third party objection platforms

Many professional advertising platforms also offer you the choice of rejecting or accepting cookies used by the companies subscribing to them. For example, the Digital Advertising professionals who are members of the European association EDAA (European Digital Advertising Alliance) have published the website “Your online choices” which enables you to control and define your preferences in terms of behavioural advertising:

These centralised processes do not block the display of advertising but only prevent the use of data from cookies for the purposes of personalising the display of such advertising.

To learn more and exercise all your rights as regards personal data processing

The cookies deposited and used via the Website may result in the collection and processing of personal data. If you would like more information on how Beauval Nature processes your personal data, please see our Privacy Policy.

Change the world with us!

All funds raised will be donated to Beauval Nature’s conservation and research programmes.