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Terms and conditions of sale

Article 1 - Purpose

This e-commerce agreement, hereinafter the “General Terms and Conditions of Sale”, aims to govern any financial transactions between the Beauval Nature Association for Conservation and Research, hereinafter “Beauval Nature”, and a buyer on the website
These terms and conditions of sale, hereinafter the “Terms and Conditions of Sale”, aim to define the contractual relations between Beauval Nature and the buyer, and the conditions applicable to all purchases made through the website

The purchase of a product and/or the making of a financial donation through this website imply unreserved acceptance of these terms and conditions of sale by the buyer, who states that he/she has read prior to placing their order. Prior to any transaction, the buyer states that he/she has the full legal capacity to both purchase products and/or make a financial donation on the website and to be bound by these General Terms and Conditions of Sale.

Beauval Nature retains the option to change these terms and conditions of sale at any time, for the purposes of complying with new regulations or improving its website. As such, the conditions that apply are those in force on the date the buyer places the order.

Article 2 - Definitions

To provide a perfect understanding of the terms used in the Policy, below are a few notions defined by applicable regulations and used in this Policy.

  • "Beauval Nature": Association Beauval Nature pour la Conservation et la Recherche is the Act of 1901 association registered under number 800777559 publishing the website and Party to this Contract;
  • "Personal data": any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person; an "identifiable natural person" is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person;
  • “Buyer”: any natural or legal person completing a financial transaction on the Beauval Nature website;
  • “Donor”: any natural or legal person making a Donation under this contract;
  • “Donation Form”: document setting out the characteristics of the donation made by the Donor and must be confirmed with a click to be binding.
  • “Donation”: act by which the Donor undertakes to make a financial donation and Beauval Nature undertakes to collect it.
  • “Sponsor”: any natural or legal person acting for personal purposes and sponsoring an animal at ZooParc de Beauval.

Article 3 – Sphere and scope of application

The products and donations to which these general terms and conditions of sale apply are those accessible on the website Where a buyer is redirected to the website owned by SAS ZooParc de Beauval, SAS ZooParc de Beauval’s General Terms and Conditions of Sale (accessible here) will apply to the products and services advertised by SAS ZooParc de Beauval in lieu of these terms and conditions.

Beauval Nature reserves the right to change the products, services and arrangements for donations or sponsorships on its website at any time.

Article 4 - Rates

The prices listed for sponsorship and/or donation transactions on the Beauval Nature website are provided in euros (€) including taxes (incl. tax.), based on applicable VAT on the day of the transaction. Any change to VAT rates may be passed on to the price of donations or sponsorship transactions. Beauval Nature reserves the right to change its prices at any time, it being understood that the price advertised on the day the transaction is completed will be the only price applicable to the buyer.

The prices indicated do not include shipping fees, with all fees being invoiced in addition to the price of the products purchased based on the total price of the order.

Article 5 – Donations & related transactions

When a donor wishes to make a donation to Beauval Nature, he/she must refer to the donation form found at the following address:

The donor must select whether the financial donation made is a single financial transaction (by clicking on the button “Donate once”) or whether the donation will be made on a monthly basis (by clicking on the button “Donate every month”).
If the donor wishes to make a recurring monthly donation, the donor must enter the amount to be automatically withdrawn. The donor must also select the monthly date for the recurring withdrawal.
The donor must then select the desired donation amount either by clicking on a pre-determined amount or by entering the donation amount directly in the “free amount” field.

The donor must fill in the personal data collection form in their capacity as a natural or legal person. The fields marked with an asterisk are required fields: without this information, the donation cannot be completed.

In the exclusive event it is clearly referred to when the donation is made, the donor may view the amount of his/her donation and the automatic contribution paid by default to HELLOASSO. The sum of these two amounts is the final amount paid by the donor to Beauval Nature. The donor may change the amount of the donation automatically allocated to HELLOASSO by clicking on the button “Change”. If HELLOASSO is not expressly listed in the summary of the donation made, the total monetary amount of the donation will be the exact amount chosen or indicated by the Donor.

The donation is completed as from acceptance of these Beauval Nature General Terms and Conditions of Sale, materialised by an opt-in function on the website.

By default, the donation made by the donor is allocated to all projects currently carried out by Beauval Nature. The donor will be informed where special donation campaigns are organised by Beauval Nature for a specific event.

Beauval Nature is not required to provide the donor with a financial report.

Bank transfers made as part of a free donation may be renewed every month. A registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt must be sent to Association Beauval Nature - Service Comptabilité - c/o - ZooParc de Beauval - 41110 Saint Aignan, in order to suspend a payment order.

Article 6 - Sponsorships

The rates set by Beauval Nature apply only to the listed categories. These rates apply to: private individuals, schools, association and social and economic committees (CSE). Sponsorships are valid for one year as from the date of purchase and may be renewed every year. Sponsorships are strictly personal and non-transferable. Tickets to ZooParc de Beauval included in some sponsorship packages are valid for one year as from the sponsorship start date and may be used all year round. These tickets are sent to their recipient upon receipt of full payment of the order. The validity of these tickets is time-limited and cannot be renewed at the end of their annual validity period.

The Sponsor may choose an animal at ZooParc de Beauval listed on the Sponsorship website and eligible for sponsorship. The Sponsor must then choose the desired sponsorship package including the price of the donation made to Beauval Nature. Natural person donors are informed that donations made are eligible for a tax deduction equal to 66% of the taxable value, within the limit of 20% of their household’s taxable income. Legal person donors are informed that donations made are eligible for a corporate tax deduction equal to 60% of the amount of such payments, capped at €20,000 or 5‰ (5 per mille) of the company’s annual turnover excluding tax. Where this cap is exceeded, the remaining amount may be carried over to the 5 following financial periods.

Article 7 - Prices displayed

All prices are provided in euros.

Article 8 - Payment methods

Beauval Nature accepts cards from the Carte Bleue, Visa, Eurocard / Mastercard networks, bank or postal cheques, transfers or postal orders. Cash is only accepted for payments made within ZooParc de Beauval. Payments must be made in € (euros) to Beauval Nature.

Article 9 - Force majeure

Force majeure means any event outside of the parties’ control that is both unforeseeable and unavoidable and which prevents the customer from fulfilling all or part of his/her obligations under the contract. The parties expressly agree that force majeure will suspend the performance of their mutual obligations. Simultaneously, each of the parties will bear all costs incumbent upon them arising from said case of force majeure. Association Beauval Nature pour la Conservation et la Recherche - Association under Act 1901 / No W413000705 Registered office: c/o ZooParc de Beauval - 41110 Saint Aignan sur Cher.

Article 10 - Complaints

Complaints arising during the performance of the contract with Beauval Nature must be filed as soon as possible, on site, in an appropriate manner providing proof so as to immediately seek a solution. Complaints that cannot be filed on site and which have not been resolved must be sent to Beauval Nature pour la Conservation et la Recherche by registered letter within 30 days of the date of the events the subject of the compliant (Association Beauval Nature - c/o - ZooParc de Beauval - 41110 Saint Aignan).

Article 11 - Amendment and assignment of contract

All amendments to the contract must be the subject of a written request by the customer. In case of disagreement, Beauval Nature reserves the right to cancel the contract. Moreover, the customer must report any amendments to the contract made by him/her.

The customer cannot assign the contract entered into with Beauval Nature.

Article 12 - Cancellation of the contract

All cancellations must be sent to Beauval Nature by registered letter (Association Beauval Nature - c/o - ZooParc de Beauval - 41110 Saint Aignan). The date of receipt of the letter will be the date used for cancellation. Non-compliance with the schedule by the customer will be considered by Beauval Nature as a cancellation requested by the customer in breach of the formalities set out above. Failing receipt of payment for the customer’s order, Beauval Nature reserves the right to consider the order cancelled.

Article 13 - Protection of personal data

The Buyer must complete all personal data collection forms in order to make donations and/or complete sponsorship transactions. Data subjects may learn more by reading Beauval Nature’s privacy policy which can be found here.

Change the world with us!

All funds raised will be donated to Beauval Nature’s conservation and research programmes.